The Uniqueness Mastery Home Study
How to Make Your Product or Service Stand Out Among All the Noise
How do you speed up the sales of your product or service by using a single set of words?
The frustration of selling often boils down to a set of words
The set of words are the way you describe your ‘uniqueness'. You may have a great product or service, but often can't identify the uniqueness. And this puts you in a big quandary: How do you stand out from the competition? How do you get your customers to buy your products or services? And what if your products or services are more expensive?
But it's not just you that's in this so-called quandary. The client is confused as well. They can't decide between you and the competition.
Let me tell you the story of two property managers
Property managers, as you probably know, are those who manage your rental property. They take care of getting the tenants, making sure the rent is paid etc. But one property manager was charging 8.5% + $250 in fees.
The other one was charging 6.9% and no fees whatsoever. The first firm was professionally run. The second was family run. Let's assume both offered an almost-identical service, which one of the two would you choose? And let's say there weren't just two, but five or six property managers jostling for your attention. What would you be looking for in such a situation?
You're looking for a factor of uniqueness, aren't you?
You're looking for something that will help you quickly make a decision. You want the best value for your money, and you might even be slightly concerned why one person is charging so much less? Or on the other hand, why another is charging so much more.
In short, you as the customer are struggling for something to hold on to. Some uniqueness factor that will help you make the right choice. And in turn, the person selling the product or service desperately needs something that will make them stand out in a sea of seemingly me-too businesses. So how do you do that? How do you create a uniqueness that's so dramatic and powerful, that clients pick you in a flash?
Introducing the Uniqueness Mastery Home Study

We start off with isolating the uniqueness in a product or service. Then we test how idiotic (or sane) it sounds. Then we move over to implementation. We begin to use it on our websites, in our conversation, as part of our articles etc., always driving home the uniqueness factor. No more crappy theory or fanciful conceptualisation. This is it! You learn, you implement.
What you will learn:
- Learn to Identify Your Uniqueness: Most of us know that we need to have a uniqueness factor to make us stand out, but we can't seem to identify the uniqueness at all. Now imagine being able to take on any product or service, from any industry and identify the uniqueness incredibly accurately and quickly. Magic, huh? Yes, but you'll learn the magic.
- No More Brain Chatter: Often you'll pick a uniqueness and then wonder if it's good enough. You'll wonder if others will find it unique. Well, you can stop wondering because this home study will show you just what you need to do to pick a uniqueness and drive it home with great impact.
- The Testimonial Process: Every product or service will eventually have a few, if not many, testimonials. These testimonials can become the key to developing your uniqueness. So how do you use testimonials to quickly get to uniqueness?
- The Grammar Lesson: Even if you didn't do too well at grammar in school, you'll learn the power of grammar when selecting uniqueness factors. And how an adjective can trump a noun when dealing with uniqueness. Yup, crazy stuff like this that is fun to learn and even more fun to implement!
- Creating a DNA: Once you get to your uniqueness factor, you'll realise that it forms the basis for a very large part of your product or service. The entire DNA and focus of your product or service changes. Suddenly you have an intense clarity that didn't exist before. And this clarity results in far greater sales, because hey, for the first time ever, the client knows exactly why they're buying from you and can spread the word easily and effectively.
But what if you already have a uniqueness or USP for your product or service? Why should you bother with this home study?

It's possible that you have a uniqueness factor for your product or service. But it's not enough to have it. It has to be so powerful that all your customers need to be able to state your uniqueness in a flash. And of course, it's easy to test.
Call up five of your customers and ask them what's the uniqueness of your product or service. If they all say exactly the same thing, you have a uniqueness. If they say all kinds of things, you definitely need to tweak your messaging, and yeah, this home study is where you'll learn how to create and drive home that consistency in your messages.
The other reason, and this is more important, is that any good business is bound to have more than one product or service. Every business will, over the life cycle of a business, introduce several products and services. And every product or service, has to have a clear uniqueness.
Here's the outline of what you'll learn in the course:
Session 1:
- The Critical Importance of Uniqueness
- The Importance of Listing Features in Uniqueness
- The Systematic Way To Choose From The List
- Three Core Methods of Getting To Uniqueness
- How to Choose The Right Uniqueness: The David Attenborough Method
Session 2:
- The Importance of Enthusiasm When Describing Uniqueness
- How To Create Simple and Expanded Uniqueness
- A Deeper Dive Into the DNA of Uniqueness (And Why DNA matters)
- Understanding how to get to DNA with adjectives
- The Role of Features in Uniqueness
- How To Create a Uniqueness Filter
- The 3 Critical Mistakes With Expanding and Condensing (And How To Fix Them)
Session 3:
- How to use uniqueness in presentations, sales pitches and sales pages.
- Umbrella Uniqueness vs. Individual Products
- Finding Uniqueness from Testimonials
- The role of hero and supporting cast in uniqueness
- First and second level uniqueness: And the importance of branding
Session 4:
- How to get the word out
- Personal Uniqueness: Is it important?
- Relationship between uniqueness and other elements of marketing
- Taking on the 800 pound gorilla: Taking on Market Leaders
- Cannibalisation Of Your Own Product/Service
Session 5:
- The Importance of Supporting Media: Audio, Video, Images, Cartoons
- How To Get Uniqueness From A target profile interview
- Why Uniqueness Can't Guarantee Success: Case Studies
- Demonstrating Uniqueness
- Waffly Language
Session 6:
- Why You Need To Avoid Writing “Copy” When Creating Uniqueness
- Sacrifice and Slaughter: Why It’s Important
- The Importance of the Mundane And Seemingly Uninteresting.
- How Uniqueness Plays A Role In Creating Yummy Bonuses
And this isn't counting the additional bonuses. Now these bonuses aren't some stupid add-ons. They're specifically designed by me, and they're designed to take your understanding of uniqueness even further. But you'll find out for yourself anyway.
As mentioned before: This course is designed not as an info-dump, but true methods of learning, such as layering, and repetition are involved. Plus various media such as audio, text, checklist, etc. And so that the learning experience translates into better understanding, which in turn leads to better implementation.

David Pipitone,
Transforming Life Products,
Streamwood, Illinois, USA
Before I took the Uniqueness course, I was somewhat skeptical about the process.
“I followed through with the course somewhat grudgingly. First, I discovered an innovative way to present an article writing course that was unique in its approach. After all, I had reasoned, who could really compete with Sean's course – why even try? Some synergy and excitement grew about the possibilities of the process.
Next, I picked a product that I have been meaning to develop, but kept procrastinating over. As I played emperor, I was amazed at the list I generated. Paring that down to three features and then ONE was not that hard; it was very enlightening. And I felt “lightened” up – not carrying the burden of trying to be everything to everyone. And surprisingly enough, I found more energy once I found ONE feature that I could build that product around.
So, I'm converted. I think the Uniqueness Course and the process are invaluable. I especially like the Uniqueness video which covers the BIG 3 points about Uniqueness.
Since I purchased the Blackbelt Presentations course, I was glad to see how Sean applied all of those concepts in the Uniqueness video – it was like having a double learning (but it was really ONE!).”

David Rahn,
Knowledge Companion LLC
Each time I tried on a uniqueness I felt it was without substance. I thought the effort was going to end up not being useful for me. I was about to give up.
“I struggled with the concept and process of uniqueness. It was hard. I worked through it a few times and felt like I just could not pick the uniqueness. Each time I tried on a uniqueness I felt it was without substance. I thought the effort was going to end up not being useful for me. I was about to give up.
As I was reading about “playing emperor” I thought “well I am trying to play emperor but I don’t know what my subjects want!” I figured it ultimately probably did not matter if I got it right, just pick one and rid myself of the discomfort of the task.
Then I remembered Sean had suggested that playing emperor was one way and that surveying customers was another. I had always felt uneasy about asking for testimonials. And then it became pretty clear to me. I don’t ask my customers what they like about my product because I fear the answer. So I don’t know.
Time to get over that. Maybe there would be an answer in their responses to the uniqueness question. So I turned to Sean’s outline for “reverse testimonials” and crafted a SurveyMonkey questionnaire. Yes, I had to ask a few times for some, but then eventually I had a good collection of testimonials. I was delighted that people had even responded. So I sat down and began to look over the responses.
After going through them a few times I suddenly realized that there was one word that seemed to keep coming up. I went back through each of them to be sure. It was right there in the customer responses. Every customer said what they valued was the “my product provided their students a realistic experience.” It was the realism they liked.
Unbelievable and fantastic. Then my mind went into overdrive as it made a myriad of decisions resulting in very nice clarity on my uniqueness. The process took work, but the results finally arrived and upon reflection I realized I had improved my marketing skills considerably.”
What’s Inside?
Most books are dull because they don't use graphics, cartoons and captions. The use of the above elements make the reading of the books a very pleasurable experience. Sprinkled within the chapters are lots of examples, so you can get ideas for your own business. Plus there are always detailed summaries that gives you a bird's eye view of every chapter.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the format of the course?
The course has notes and audio. The notes are precise and complete in detail. You will also get the entire recording of the three day live workshop—professionally edited, of course!
What is the price? And is there an installment plan?
The current price is below. You also get the option of a two-part installment payment.
When will I get the product?
The Conditions
Condition 1: You have to first get on a waiting list (see link below).
Condition 2: We are manually approving you (see approval conditions below).
Condition 3: You'll need to make the payment once you are approved.
About the approval process
We understand that not everyone will want to go through three barriers just to get a product, and that's fine with us. However, we will be approving you based on your previous transactions with us. If you have a good history with us you will get an e-mail once the course opens up.
Do I get any support?
This is a home study course. You will be working by yourself. So you can work at your own pace. There is no involvement from Sean.
What does it cost? Do you have an installment plan?
See below for information and the installment plan.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
I recommend that you NEVER buy anything that isn’t 100% guaranteed. And with this homestudy you get our ‘Smiley Guarantee’. This means that if you decide all this information is rubbish, you can literally email us and we’ll give you all your money back. With no questions asked. Email me within 30 days for a complete refund. And I’ll be happy to refund your money with a smile.
How do I get the Uniqueness Self Study—Limited Edition right away?
This product will next be available on 25 April 2025 for a limited time. Once you get on the waiting list, we will send you more details. To get on the waiting list scroll down to the payment section.
What’s Unique About This Book?
If you look for books or courses on uniqueness, you'll run into concepts. Concepts that tell you, you should stand out. So you have books like ‘Positioning' or ‘Purple Cow' and they all tell you that you should stand out. And they give you examples of how companies have stood out in the past.
And then you're stuck.
Because there's no system. There's no methodology to take you from understanding the concept to actually implementing the concept in your business.
Worse still, once you do get your uniqueness, there's no guideline to implement the uniqueness across your website, sales letters, articles etc. In short, the concept remains just conceptual and theoretical.
The Uniqueness Mastery Home Study detests theory. You have a system that you can follow time and time again. And this system helps you move from idea to implementation all in one go. You will be able to build uniqueness for all your products and services. And you will be able to find out where we're going wrong and how to get back on track. That's what makes this course so different. We're absolutely nuts about you not just getting the concepts, but implementing them effectively as well!

Smiley Psychotactics Guarantee

What if the product isn't good for you? This product is guaranteed for a whole month. If for any reason (and you don't have to give a reason) you don't like the product, you can ask for a full refund. And we'll refund your money with a smile.
How do I purchase the Uniqueness Self Study Course?
You will have to have purchased and read the Brain Audit. If you do not own a copy of the Brain Audit, please do not get on the waiting list.
Very Important: Read this (Before you go on the waiting list) This is a home study course. You will be working by yourself at your own pace. There is no involvement from Sean. |
Uniqueness Home Study Course | Regular | Premium |
Uniqueness Book (PDF) | ||
Complete Audio Recording of Live 3 day workshop (Audio) | ||
Big Bonuses | ||
Entire Slides of the 3-Day Workshop (worth $300) | ||
Bonus Section: Video Examples from the workshop | ||
Question and Answer Sessions (Audio) (worth $119) | ||
Price | ||
Option 1: Single Payment | US$ 377 | US$ 397 |
Option 2: 2 Monthly Installment Payments | $210 x 2 | $215 x 2 |

Sean D’Souza
P.S. Questions? If you have questions, please email me directly and let me know how I can help.