Are you tired of listening to keynote speakers who give endless amounts of information?
Most speakers can deliver a speech that's loaded with information, but not easy to implement. Dozens of slides later, the audience staggers out with a mountain of notes, overwhelmed with the firehose of information.
Sean's presentations are quite the opposite; they're elegant
Instead of a huge volume of information, Sean specialises. It's a factor of “one inch wide and one mile deep”. Which is why a Sean D'Souza presentation changes the mindset of audience members, but most importantly, the steps are so elegant that the audience members are able to implement the concepts quickly and effectively.
“Sean thinks outside the box, in the box, around the box, he makes the box and even works without the box! And that’s why I’d recommend him!”
“I was reluctant to hire Sean at the start, as I had not seen him make a presentation, and I don’t hire speakers without seeing a video. As a trainer myself, I have a tendency to be more stringent with whom I hire.
People wished they had more time to spend with Sean
The gist of the comments that came back after Sean spoke, was that people wished they spent more time with him because they not only got value from his speech but they also thoroughly enjoyed his interactive style, his hands-on presentation and delivery skills, which used really good adult-learning models.
Had I known it was going to be as accepted as it was, I would have encouraged my staff to be more aggressive with the marketing of his program and your workshop. You have to remember that we did over 120 workshops at that one expo. So it all kind of blends in for us, within the organisation.
However, when we find someone who has really good potential then we’ll go out of our way to promote that person, so our members can get good value and they realise it’s something worth taking.
I hate the phrase “thinking outside the box!”
Sean thinks outside the box, in the box, around the box, he makes the box, and even works without the box! And that’s why I’d recommend him!

“One presentation will change my business and my life.”
“Before embarking on my workshop tour in June I attended the System Internet Seminar in Chicago. One presentation will change my business and my life.
Sean D'Souza's Presentation on “The Theory of Consumption in Business” was the most powerful (and practical) presentation I've ever witnessed in my career. Instead of the usual warmed over ideas, presented in a lackluster format, Sean delivered a wake-up call that will change my business dramatically.
One of the brilliant parts of this presentation was demonstrating the parallels in various systems we are already familiar with: For me, the best one is the martial art of Karate.
I don't know about you, but by restructuring my business this way, I'll accomplish my primary marketing objective more effectively.
The Bottom Line: Ask yourself if you can adopt Sean's model to your own business.”
“Presenters should pay extra attention to how Sean structures his delivery”
“Presenters should pay attention because too many presentations I see are:
- lacking in adequate examples
- purely verbal when they could be far more visual
- move straight to pitch without the person feeling like he or she cemented what the benefits and takeaways of the presentation were
- lacking a simple preview-content-review structure that makes learning so much easier.
All in all, this talk was particularly eye-opening. We are re-inventing significant parts of our own product strategy as a result of hearing this presentation.
That says it all right there.”

How to contact Sean
To get in touch with Sean, email Sean or Renuka. (email is usually answered in a few hours, sometimes earlier). You can also call at +64 212361415. Be sure to check the time in New Zealand before calling.