(If you've already bought The Brain Audit, you're likely to have read it many times—and listened to the audio as well. So why bother with the recording of the workshop?)
One of the most fascinating aspects of a workshop is watching how clients make mistakes
When we read a book or take in some information, we only have our own frame of reference. This frame of reference means we “more or less” understand what the author of the book/system is trying to drive home. And so we implement the system as we understand it. But sometimes we get stuck, or we fail to implement the system as intended.
These flaws in implementation often come to light in a workshop because of the interactive nature of the workshop. The workshop brings to light errors that clients make. Most of the mistakes are consistent—for example, people always tend to get the concept of the “target profile” wrong. And in a workshop, there's a chance to understand why we make these mistakes and how to fix them.
But what's different about the recording of The Brain Audit Workshop?
Unlike other recordings where the speakers just ramble on endlessly, this workshop is not just tightly run, but tightly edited as well. Most unnecessary chatter is edited out as well. That's one big benefit. The second benefit is that in a workshop a lot gets talked about and discussed. So you learn a lot of ancillary things that may never enter a book. Even if you happened to be a live participant at the workshop, there's still a chance you missed out on quite a few elements. Elements that are now captured on this recording.
So let's see just what you're getting in the workshop recording, shall we? (Note: It seems to be similar to what we cover in the book, but it's still a lot different when you listen to the information).
What you will learn in The Brain Audit Workshop
- How to audit your own sales pitch, presentations, websites, brochures, etc, to create a conversion rate of 20% or higher than you're doing right now.
- How to create a powerful tag line. You'll be given three specific ways to create instantly catchy tag lines. Every time your customer sees or hears this tag line, they'll be dying to know more about your business.
- Why attraction is not the solution. Customers slip through the net because of this one factor, every single time. This one factor alone makes a world of a difference in your sales.
- Why benefits are killing you. Why you're using benefits in the wrong place and how the benefits when moved around create a far greater customer response.
- Why most testimonials fall apart. How to create testimonials with specific questioning tactics. You'll learn to create testimonials that sell your product/service without you lifting a finger.
- How to stand apart from your competition. When customers decide to buy, they buy. How do you create a compelling point of difference to make a customer buy from you?
- Group learning on how to construct and deconstruct a marketing message using specific auditing systems.
- Getting to Uniqueness: How to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Frequently Asked Questions: About the Workshop
Format: What format is the workshop audio?
Delivery: How is the information delivered?
Payment Methods: Can I pay by credit card? Cheque? Paypal?
Currency: Are all the payments in US Dollars only? Is there a special for any country?
Compatibility: Will it play on my Mac or PC?
Guarantee: Is there a guarantee?
Support: Do I get any support?
Is this compatible both for PC and Macs?: Short answer: Yes it is!
Format: All the recordings, are well edited and in mp3 files ready for your computer of mp3 player/phone. Plus there are other goodies including some question and answer sessions on how Psychotactics does things differently.
Delivery: The information is delivered via the Internet. You are taken to a download page where you get very, very detailed instructions (the page itself is worth seeing) on how to download the audio book.
Payment Methods: You can pay via credit card, via Paypal, and via online cheque. And on request, via a snail-mail cheque. Of course the fastest system is the credit card system, and the slowest is the cheque, because we'll need the cheque to clear before you get access to the information.
Currency: All payments are in US Dollars. the system will convert the USD amount to your own currency when you get your credit card statement. In some cases, depending on where you're from, you may be able to see the conversion rate in your own currency before you pay (this feature is not available for all currencies).
Is there a special?: The price is the same for all our customers. There's no special for any country.
Compatibility: Is this information compatible both for Mac and PCs. Yes it is. And if you get the audiobook as well, the audio files are compatible with all mp3 players, computers, etc. And yes, there are also instructions on how to put the audio onto CD or onto your mp3 player (Ooh yes we're thorough!).
Guarantee: Yes there is a guarantee. 🙂 🙂 🙂 It's a 30 days ‘Smiley Guarantee'.
This means we'll refund your money with a smile if you find the products not to be as you expected. The smile is important. If you don't feel the information works for you, we will issue a prompt refund. All you have to do is email or call us (Check the time in NZ before you call).
Support: Depends what you mean by support. The information has all been tested for various computers and devices. And it works. If you have an issue getting the files to open or play, you can indeed email me and I'll do the best I can to help you. I know that last line sounds waffly, but we've done loads of tests so that you don't have this problem at all. However I do respond to email in 17 hours or less. So yes, I'm around. 🙂
The Brain Audit Workshop Special
Total Price |
US$129.99 |
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We guarantee this product!
One hundred percent! You don't like it, just ask for your money back. We have a 30 days money-back guarantee, so you can take your time and decide. 🙂
Important Note:
Credit Card:
* If the system doesn't accept your credit card please email me directly and I will help.
* Delay in delivery of product. You may experience a delay in getting your product if your credit card address and your physical address don't match. Or some other factor doesn't match, as it sets off a fraud alert. So to protect you from your card wrongly being used by someone else, the credit card company hold your order.
Please email me directly and I will sort it out for you.
If you have any questions that have been unanswered, please email me directly and let me know how I can help. I'd be interested in getting your feedback. The feedback that you give me, is strictly confidential. Don't forget to include your telephone number and a time to call you.
Use the form at the bottom of this page
Important Usage: What will happen once you click the button.
You will be taken to a page where you can fill in your credit card or cheque details. This will be verified instantly and you will be sent to a page where you can download the information right after your credit card has
1) If by any chance, you are not able to validate your card please don't tear your hair out in frustration. Just email me, or tweet me, or call me (details are below). Yes, all payment systems are secure.
2) The download is instant. You will receive an email with all the downlaod details right away. If you get directed to another page by chance, please don't panic. Computers take breaks sometimes. Send me an email, and I will send you an alternate link and you will be able to download your ebooks without a problem.
Sean D'Souza- Brain Auditor 🙂
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Psychotactics (Po Box 36461,Auckland, New Zealand).
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If you have questions, please email me directly using the link below (it's right at the bottom of every page), and let me know how I can help.