Info-Product Strategy + Execution 3-Days Workshop
How to create the strategy + the execution of information products in a way that clients keep coming back.
The problem with info-products is that we have too much information in our head. Or we have too little. And we quickly get stuck.
No one wants to produce a product like so many others
So many other information products seem to be filled with dense material that leave clients confused or lost. Instead, what we want, is to create information products that clearly “map out the components”. Each component needs to be laid out nicely—into layers and sub-components. It needs an elegant system, so that clients can understand, implement and rollout layer by layer. All without feeling lost or confused.
And while we understand the need for elegance, it's not always easy to achieve
It's easy to tend to make things more complicated for ourselves than they need to be. We are not always sure where to draw the line between an info-product that clients love vs. something that's overstuffed and largely unusable. But where do you start? How do you proceed? What do you keep and what do you put aside?
Announcing The Info-Product Strategy + Execution Live Workshop in Munich

Learn how to sort out the information in a way that's not just easy (and fun) to create, but also easy (and fun) for the client to consume. Instead of simply clogging the info-product with endless amount of content, you can create a product that clients love.
And how will you know if the client loves your product?
The proof of a great information product is like a great book or a great meal. You consume it all and then you want to come back for more. It's not enough get testimonials that say, “your product is amazing.” Instead, clients should keep coming back time after time to buy more products and services, because it's the elegance of your product that gets them results. Which is precisely what this workshop is set out to achieve.
In three days, we make “tiny increments” in our learning and this is what we'll learn
Stage 1: How to set up a sequence strategy for the future (even if you don't have an info-product yet).
Stage 2: How to break down a complex topic into easy consumable components.
Stage 3: How to apply structural and fun elements that keep the client completely engaged.
And here's why this course is so important
Just fifteen years ago, you could easily slip under the radar and run a business without writing a book, creating a video or audio. And presentations? Who needed them?
Today's world is completely different.
The noise factor is so high that unless you are able to powerfully get your point across, you're likely to be drowned in the chatter. And the knowledge you get on this course, isn't just restricted to a book or ebook.
You can use it across different media
Whether you're called upon to do a five minute speech or a three-day seminar, you can use this method. If you're likely to make videos or create podcasts, yup, once again you can use the system taught in this course. And it's an utter relief to be able to construct it all at high speed, isn't it?
I mean who wants to spend days, weeks and months putting together an infoproduct and not really knowing whether it hits the mark or not! And a robust system makes life a lot simpler for you—and for your clients.
So what are the three benchmarks of the system?
1) Easy to understand: Simple enough to explain to a 7 year old child.
2) Easy to audit: It's a litmus test. You can tell in minutes if it's going to work or not.
3) Easy to implement: You can be woken up at 3 am and you can put the framework of an infoproduct together.
Stage 1: Plotting the Strategy

It might seem like a good idea to quickly create an info-product so that you can attract clients. However, having a strategy and sequence in place, gives both you and the client a clearer pathway to follow. In this stage we learn how to create various types of sequences and how they play a crucial role in ensuring a robust strategy to roll out your information products.
- Why you need a sequence and how to create it.
- How to create a horizontal product sequence (and how to get clients to follow that sequence)
- Why bother with a sequence if you don't even have a product in place
- When to add a vertical sequence (and how to structure it to keep clients coming back for more)
- The build up method that gets you from zero to a detailed product
- How to then reverse-engineer a detailed product into smaller, profitable products
- Why understanding the concept of promotion is key to your success.
- How to create an individual promotion plan for your product or service
- How do you presell your product even if nobody know you.
- How to take a complex sequence and make it simple.
Stage 2: The Construction of Information Products
- How to start with a topic and then break it down into components
- How to determine the order of the components
- Niche vs generic topic: Learn how to determine which one to pick
- How to determine the outcome not just of the information product—but of every section
- The Planet System: Why it's the most speedy way to create an information product
- How to use the Planet System across various media (without losing any impact)
- Learn why target profile is a mistake when creating the information product
- The power of drafts and why even the drafts need a grid to avoid you getting bogged down
- The “Kathy Sierra” disappearing page principle and how it helps you create products that clients love
- How to determine the outcome not just of the information product—but of every section.
- The “enemy”technique and how to use it to set up an information product chapters

Stage 3: Structural Elements That Keep Clients Moving Ahead

- Why structural elements reduce client-intimidation (and help you create your info-products quicker)
- Why the right placement of the elements pulls the client along seamlessly
- Information vs Example ration: How do we decide?
- Where to insert personal stories and why they help in creating trust
- The power of callouts: What to do with excessive, yet important information
- The importance of footnotes, graphics captions as an “ongoing summary”
- Why summaries are crucial and how to make them actionable
These topics are the core of what we'll cover over a three day period. You'll go from strategy to creation and finally making sure you have all the right elements along the way. With three stages, you'll have a clarity and technique for creating info-products that you can use over and over again.
What's the uniqueness of a Psychotactics workshop?

The key to learning isn't mountains of information.
In order to learn we need “tiny increments”. One teensy bit, explained in great detail, then put into action.
Most Psychotactics workshops are three-day events, even though the content can easily be delivered in under a day.
The reason for this expanded amount of time is to give every participant the breathing space to not just understand what's being taught, but to implement it several times over. And yes, in tiny bites. This enables the participant to gain the skill without the overwhelm that you feel at other workshops and seminars.
Tiny increments ensure skill, not just more information.
That's what makes a Psychotactics workshop unique.

Jen Jackson
Washington, USA
“Sean and Renuka seem to attract great people, and we all laughed and learned together.”
I’ve been to lots of workshops, both good and not-so-good. The Psychotactics workshop was one of the finest I’ve been to. I’ve enjoyed learning through Psychotactics online courses and knew I wanted to go to a live event.
This Psychotactics workshop exceeded even my sky-high expectations. Why?
1. Fun! We all enjoyed each other, and even though many of us had not met or corresponded before. Sean and Renuka seem to attract great people, and we all laughed and learned together.
2. Space. Not just physical space, but learning space. We had lots of breaks sprinkled through the day. We could get up and get snacks, chat a bit, and let what we learned “marinate.”
3. Structure. Sean’s organization of the material and how he presents it make each little bit “snackable.” Sean can break down the complicated into comprehensible tiny tasks. We were able to create a landing page, tiny step by tiny step.
4. Safety. No question was “stupid.” We could make mistakes and ask questions, without the fear of embarrassment.
I am so glad I got to meet Sean and Renuka. It seemed like I already knew you. Looking forward to more laughs.

Dhiren Desa,
Digital Strategist,
Munich, Germany.
“In almost any other workshop you think you are getting a ton of information. Most of it is information overload. And then you never do anything about it.”
I have done many workshops. Psychotactics stands out head and shoulders about the others. For one simple reason Sean is a master of communicating learning. Very few people understand that the brain has can absorb only a certain about of information before it has to digest and rest.
And Sean understands that perfectly.
With spaced repetition; with bite-size chunks; and with time to get it into your subconscious, you can put into practice what you learn. You are able to digest and remember everything. In almost any other workshop you think you are getting a ton of information. Most of it is information-overload. And then you never do anything about it.
That is the really big difference between a Psychotactics Workshop and any other. And that is why I keep going back.

Els Jacobs,
Leiden, Holland
“What I find very important in a workshop is that the trainer comes up with a system that you can use over and over again.”
Very often you don’t find that in workshops, that is why I don’t attend training very often. What I like about a Psychotactics workshop, is that you get a system.
Apart from that you meet a bunch of nice friendly people and it is lovely to chat with each other. And have dinner together and just have fun.
The participants come from all over the world and they flock to this one place. They are introverts and a bit shy but by the end of the day you will find everyone is chatting happily, and totally in their comfort zone.
And that is really, really nice.
What I find unique about Psychotactics is that what every question you have or whatever trouble you have you can always Sean, Renuka or the other members and you get a reply instantly. That makes it a very special community.

What Does The Training Method Entail?
The workshop is dedicated to a single task: To learn what goes into making a great information product—so that clients keep coming back repeatedly. They come back because they consume one product, then come back for the next. It's like reading a novel of a good writer. You finish, go back for more. Or a meal. You finish, you go back another week.
And it's not the content alone that matters, but the entire experience. We all love the experience and in this workshop you learn what you need to assemble, so that your content can shine!
Here are some of the main features of the workshop:
Practice on another business first, then apply to your own
One of the biggest issues at seminars is the flow of information. The presenter doesn't mean to overwhelm the audience, however that's approximately what happens. At a Psychotactics workshop, all you'll get are “tiny increments”. To further reduce the intimidation, you work on a business that's not your own. That allows you to practice and absorb the concepts. Later, we have an entire day marked to apply the concepts to your own product or service. Learning doesn't have to be hurried. It can be well-paced and a whole lot of fun.
Specially hand-picked workshop participants
You've heard the term, “you are the company you keep”. One of the comments that surface at every Psychotactics workshop is the quality of the group. The group consists of kind, helpful and very knowledgeable people. People who ask lots of questions and work hard. The reason why the workshop attracts a special kind of group, is because we put a filtration system in place. This ensures that the company at the workshop is a fun-loving, yet industrious group that you can count on, during and sometimes for years after you leave the workshop.
Chunky amounts of “breathing space”
The brain works best when it's had time to work out things. This is why all Psychotactics courses are designed to avoid blah-blah. We use the 1:1:1 system, where I present concepts for ⅓ of the time. You then work on the concepts for a third and finally we discuss the concepts for ⅓ of the time. The workshop is designed with space in mind, so that real absorption and practice happens, rather than just endless information.
Tiny groups
One of the most refreshing part of the workshop is the size of the group. For this specific workshop, we will accept no more than 16 people, and even within that group, there will be smaller groups of 3-5 people. You're always interacting with a few people, and not dozens of people in the room. The workshops are designed to give you skill, not another mountain of information. Which is why we have only boutique seminars with tiny groups.
What This Product Is NOT About
What this system is NOT:
1) This isn't a writing workshop. You don't learn how to write. We have other courses for that, including the Article Writing Course. This course is about the structure of putting together the information you already have in your head. And working out your strategy.
2) It's not a course that teaches design. So for instance, you're not going to go home learning how to create book covers.
3) It's not a technology-based course. You're not going to learn how to put together a document in Word or InDesign. We're not going to be bringing in lights and teaching you how to shoot video or audio. What you're going to learn is a simple process that is the structural elements—the secret sauce to creating information products quickly and effectively.

Steven White,
Texas, USA
“Attending a Psychotactics workshop is a remarkable experience. You get so much more than just helpful information.”
This is the first time I have ever set aside time to attend a workshop unrelated to medicine. However, I was so eager to attend to get to meet Sean and Renuka and discover whether the accolades are all true. (They unequivocally are!)
Sean and Renuka have a special way of connecting with people. Attending a Psychotactics workshop is a remarkable experience. You get so much more than just helpful information.
You learn a skill through ‘layered learning’ by learning a sequence of ‘tiny steps’ and then applying them to your own personal business.
This ‘crescendo effect’ continues to re-enforce what you have learned much like a snowball rolling down hill. You are not just ‘hearing things’ but instead also actually ‘doing things’ by working alone and together to apply the concepts Sean teaches you. His teachings quickly become second nature to you.
You also make new friends.
And enjoy spending time with them on walks, at the workshop, as well as during lunches and dinners. It’s an immersive experience. This allows everyone to continually ask questions of Sean (and each other) to further their understanding and simply have fun. How often do you leave a meeting and feel sad it’s over?
I believe Sean is a genius.
He has an uncanny ability to deconstruct the complexities of writing (and communicating) and see the elements within. He then teaches you how to reconstruct them in a way that is both simple and effective. Simple, not complex. Effective because he understands how people think. He is an remarkable teacher who is passionate about your learning. He makes sure you don’t just understand the concepts but more importantly you learn how to apply them (the skill).
Frequently Asked Questions

Location Details + Dates
Where is the workshop being held? Munich, Germany.
What are the dates and timing of the workshop?
Dates: 6 – 8 April 2019
Time: The workshop will start at 9:01 am each day and wrap up at 4:15 pm. No midnight sessions.
No. of participants: Limited to 16 people
No of seats left: Fully Booked. Email Renuka to get on the waiting list in case there is an opening.
Who is conducting the workshop: The workshop is being conducted by Sean D'Souza
What is the price? Are there instalments?
The current special price is € 3100. Yes, there is a four-part instalments plan. There’s also a full payment option (which is slightly cheaper).
What if I have already done the Info-Products Home Study Course?
This workshop incorporates elements that aren't covered in the home study course. This live event strongly focuses on the strategy, which takes the home study to a completely different level. In any case, a live course is dramatically different from an online course or home study. You work in a vastly different atmosphere and it would take your home study learning up by several notches. Plus, as you're likely to have read above, it's a lot of fun! You'll have loads and loads of laughs and camaraderie while learning and wonder why other workshops aren't conducted this way too!
Is there a money-back guarantee?
No there isn’t. Most other workshops may offer you a money-back guarantee, but don’t promise skill. We don’t offer a money-back guarantee, but we guarantee the skill. You “will” be able to benchmark where you started, what you did, and go back with an outstanding sales page. However, there may be a situation where you can’t make the workshop. You can send someone else in your place, but there’s no money-back guarantee.
How do I sign up right away?
You can sign up below. And no, there are no discounts even if you sign up more than one person. The prices are overly reasonable when considered with workshops of this calibre.
Are there any conditions?
There's an important condition…Come join us, but be aware that you need to have read The Brain Audit in advance. Yes, it's a barrier. But it ensures that we have clients that are truly interested in learning and improving their business. You can buy and read The Brain Audit at any point before the event, but we will not accept you if you have not read The Brain Audit. There are no exceptions to this rule.
What happens if I can't attend for some reason?
Once payment is made, there will be NO refunds. You are welcome to send a substitute in your place.
About Meals
At the workshop, you will be provided with coffee. Meals just put up the price of the event, and most people have their own diets anyway. We will choose a venue where there are stores and restaurants nearby and meals are easy to get, and far more economical than if we added meals to the workshop price.
Do you have any further questions? Anything we've left out?
Email us (either Renuka or me) at sean@psychotactics.com or renuka@psychotactics.com. You should hear from us in 24-48 hours. If not, contact us at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sean.dsouza (yes, the Facebook link is quite reliable).
You’ll get a comprehensive set of details of everything once you sign up. Believe me, we’re thorough.
Bonus Details

Bonuses (Worth $300 in all)
Bonus 1: The Embedded Sales technique
At Psychotactics we've always worked with a very small audience. Yet, the audience buys products, courses and training almost instantly. Is that merely because of the sales page? Or is there another strategy in play? In this short presentation, you'll learn exactly how we go about creating desire for the next course, or next product. And all of this is done without persuasion or drama. No advertising, no need for endless e-mails. You too can use the embedded sales technique to ensure that clients buy future products without too much pushiness on your part.
Bonus 2: A video deconstruction of The Brain Audit.
If you've read The Brain Audit, you'll know how it seems to flow from page to page. But what's the underlying design that makes it so effortless, even fun to read? In this video deconstruction, we'll look at a chapter of The Brain Audit and examine the elements that make it so much fun, yet easy to consume and apply. You'll understand how you can then apply the same principles to your info-product as well.
This workshop is fully booked. |
Info Products Strategy + Execution Live Workshop. Munich, Germany: 6 - 8 April 2019 |
Regular | Premium |
Live workshop with Sean D'Souza | ||
Day 1: Assembly | ||
Day 2: Creating | ||
Day 3: Immediate, Expert Feedback | ||
Info Products Worksheets | ||
Big Bonuses | ||
Bonus 1: The Embedded Sales technique | ||
Bonus 2: A video deconstruction of The Brain Audit | ||
Current Price | ||
Option 1: Single Payment (Save over $100) | € 3100 |
€ 3120 |
Option 2: 4 Monthly Installment Payments | € 800 x 4 |
€ 805 x 4 |
Fully Booked. Email Renuka to get on the waiting list in case there is an opening. | ||
Important Details
- If by any chance, you are not able to validate your card please don't tear your hair out in frustration. You can email Renuka and she will send you an ALTERNATE LINK to process your credit card. All payment systems are secure.
- If you have any questions that have been unanswered, please email me directly and let me know how I can help. I'd be interested in getting you feedback. The feedback that you give me is strictly confidential. Don't forget to include your telephone number and a time to call you.
Important Usage: What will happen once you click the button
- You will be taken to a page where you can fill out your credit card of cheque details
- Once you pay you will be taken to a form
- Once you fill the form, you will receive an email with more details.

Sean D’Souza