How do you fail at something?
You simply stop.
I've seen people who could be exceedingly good writers, artists etc.
And yet they stop.
Then they lose momentum.
And they possibly never regain that pace and momentum again.
The interesting part is that they don't intend to stop forever
They just stop for a day, which turns into two, which snowballs into weeks and months. And then it's just too hard to recover. I know this because I've done it often enough. I've drawn cartoons for a little over 30 years. You could say I'm pretty good at it.
But all I have to do is stop
Suddenly I lose the ability to draw. I look at the paper. I look at the pencil. The paints are tucked away somewhere in the deep recesses of my desk. And the days and weeks slide into oblivion until it takes enormous effort just to get started again. And this is with something I love and am very capable at doing.
Imagine the frustration when you're learning something, and you stop
It's a lot worse. And what bugs you even more is the mindless excuses you make. You think your excuses seem logical. No they don't. An excuse is an excuse. Everyone has time to do what they want to do. All of us take the time to bathe, brush and clothe ourselves, even on the busiest of days.
But surely everyone needs a break…
Yes they do, and go right ahead and take that break. But be aware that the longer the break, the more you'll have to battle resistance to get back to where you once were.
So keep the break short. If Mt. Everest falls on your head and you need an unexpected break, well take it, but make sure you have someone bugging you to get back.
Someone? Yes, anyone. It could be a friend, a neighbour, your spouse, lover, even a nine-year old who lives down the street. They'll nudge you, bug you, remind you. And then you'll decide to start again. It's much too easy to fall off the bandwagon and not get back on, if you're working alone. So get yourself a co-pilot that will make sure you don't stop.
Because the best way to fail is to stop.
Stop reading.
Stop writing.
Stop drawing.
Stop walking.
It's a sure recipe for failure.
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Great article. The biggest opponent, I’ve found, is time. It’s true that we all find time to do the things necessary and make excuses for things that we want to put off.