In the movie, Star Wars, Luke Skywalker and Yoda, the Jedi Master, stand near the edges of the Dagobah swamps.
Luke is training in earnest to be a Jedi. Yoda turns to Luke and asks him to raise his sunken starfighter, which weighs several hundred tons, from the Dagobah swamps with the power of his mind alone.
Luke says “I'll try.” “No,” scolds Yoda. “Do, or do not. There is no try.”
Yoda's right. There is no try
If you doubt such wisdom, try lifting a spoon from the table.
No don't lift the spoon. Put it down. Now try to lift it. You can't try.
You can either lift the spoon or you can't.
In business and in life you can succeed or fail, but you can never try. Get rid of your self-defeating thoughts and words. There is no try.
Next Step: Want to learn more about Info Products Marketing? Find the entire infoproducts strategy series in text, audio with cartoons!
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Someone should write an eBook called Yoda-isms for Business – he was one smart little jedi!
powerfull post – thanks
Should I “try?”
The problem with the book, is that I’d want to see some cartoons or graphics at the very least. Maybe we can do something to do with Ooga.
There is no try as you know.
There is only do. Or do not.
And I imagine you have plenty on your plate at the moment.
Yes and no. We also do some activities for a goal that is outside/subsequent to the activity eg. different marketing media.
In this sense there is a wait and see. We do try things and see what happens.
I do understand the point about putting in our best effort and not being half-hearted about what we do.
…and from the Martix, there is no spoon either.
The best businesses in the World are the ones that were started when the entrepreneur just went for it.
You’ve got to jump out of the nest. You can try all day and alayze and research until your eylids don’t stay open, but if you want to succeed in business you’ve got to just do it… and do it NOW.
-Joshua Black
The Underdog Millionaire