You often wonder why you can't get things done and why success seems to be a little late in coming. There's a precise reason that has something to do with you zzzzzzzzzzzing in the physics class.
What's physics got to do with marketing and business.
Remember the second law of physics?
Two objects cannot occupy the same place at the same time.
No matter how much you try, you can't do it all. You cannot be everything to everyone; and do all that needs to be done. If you want your business to grow, you will need to make space in your life.
Making space is like getting clients to buy
Customers buy when two factors are in play at the same time. The two factors are risk and likeability. If there's equal risk and equal indifference, a customer won't buy. If the likeability goes up, then automatically the risk goes down. Notice how the factors obey the law of physics. The more risk is involved, the less customers like you. The more they like you, the less they feel risk.
The same law applies to your time and your life.
You need to reduce time wasting activity and increase time earning activity. You can't keep both of them going at the same time and expect to succeed. And this law applies to your thoughts as well.
Your thoughts are objects too. You can't see them, but thoughts exist. Try lifting you little finger and wiggling it. See? That's a thought. And thoughts have a mass of their own. Effectively they're objects.
And two thoughts cannot occupy the same space at the same time. You cannot think of failure and success at the same time. Try it. It's too hard. So if you stop concentrating on failure and start concentrating on success, the ‘success brick ‘will displace the ‘failure liquid.'
How can you be morose when you're succeeding? How can you not have the energy of a thousand drunk elephants? C'mon you can use the power of physics in your brain.
Two objects cannot and will not occupy the same space at the same time. Success or failure. You decide.
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Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. True. Either I comment here, or I write in my own blog.
Thank you.
I like to look at things from a non-dualistic perspective so I feel that I can think about failure and success at the same time. In fact, this quote sums up my feelings perfectly:
“Success is the lurking place of failure.” – Lao Tzu
Hm? Am I on to something? 🙂