Most of us have products and services that solve many problems. The natural, and the seemingly logical way we go about talking about the product or service, is to make sure the client knows they’re getting a great deal. However, this over-enthusiasm is precisely what causes clients to be confused, and leave. Let’s find out […]
Why The Top-Half Of The Sales Page Goes Wrong (And How To Fix It)
Why are some sales pages so confusing? Is it because of the message or rather because there are way too many messages hitting you all at once? A sales page needs a powerful message to get the client not just interested, but to keep reading. And yet sales pages often miss that goal. But there’s […]
How To Create Extremely Focused Sales Pages—The Pebble System
When we sit down to write a landing page, we usually have a ton of confusion in our heads. We have so many elements on that landing page. What should we put first? What should we leave out? The sales of our product or service depends on us having incredible focus. So how do we […]