Imagine you put a photo of a client on your sales page Just the photo. No name of the client. No designation. No clue as to what industry that client is in, or where they come from. Heck, would anyone even know that person was a client? And yet the moment you put in the […]
The Importance of Time In Pre-Selling
I remember Sydney, AustraliaI was probably ten years old and my father had all of these travel brochures. But of all the places on the planet, I loved the picture of the Sydney Opera House. I remember the pink, purple skies offsetting the pale white of the Opera House. And nineteen years later I stepped […]
Why Client Doodles Cost You Sales (And How To Stop the Doodling)
Doodles. Gosh you hate doodles. And as you’re speaking to a client, they’re doodling away. Random, scribbly drawings on a sheet of paper are causing you to get more hassled by the second. Because somehow, it seems your client really isn’t paying attention. And this lack of attention might cost you the sale. Aaaaaaaaarghhhh! So […]
A Tale of Two Sales Pages: Which One Ends Up With The Paying Customers?
You’d think it would make sense, wouldn’t you? I mean here you are surfing the Internet. And this website is giving you $86 off compared with another site. That’s a whole 30% difference. Yet you end up buying the product from the site with the higher price. Now why on earth would you do something […]
Do Barriers Improve or Worsen Customer Qualification?
There’s a legendary story about a French Bank. Apparently their elderly customers took up too much time dealing with the banking clerks, and did little business of value. So the bank decided they wanted to give the elderly customers the ol’ heave ho. But how do you get rid of elderly customers without igniting a […]
How Segues Reduce Friction in Sales
Imagine you’re a roadroller. And there’s a bit of a bump in the road. In fact, lots of bumps in the roads. As you rumble across the bumps, you’ve got this smug look on your face. Because you’re pretty darned sure that the bumps have been smoothened, as you went over them. Now if you’re […]
How to Make a Godfather-Offer
I’ve never actually seen ‘The Godfather’. Or read the book. I know, I know, I haven’t lived. 🙂 But I’ve lived long enough to understand the concept of a Godfather-offer. Namely: To make a offer that simply cannot be refused. Cannot be refused? Does such an offer exist? Yes, it does, but only once you […]
Twin Factors of Conversion: Risk and Like it
Get a weighing scale. Put ‘Like’ on one side. Put ‘Risk’ on the other side. And your eyes start to roll as you figure out the obvious. That the higher the risk, the less you’re liked. But is there more to the like factor than you think? The biggest reason why customers don’t buy You […]
Unconverted Leads: What Do You Do With Them?
It’s September 2004. And the mountain, St. Helens is at it again. She’s burping, gassing, and throwing hissy fits. But doing nothing more than that. And then in October, with little or no warning, the mountainside explodes. The mountain top lost 1,300 feet of height, the valley of the North Toutle River filled with 3 […]
The Swiftest Way To Convert Prospects Into Clients
Take out that Nokia from your bag. And look at the features. It can tell time; it can be a stopwatch; it can keep diary appointments; it can help you pass time with ingenious little games; it can probably take photos; send text messages; maybe even double up as an mp3 player or a torch. […]