Imagine I asked you a question.
A simple question where you could choose the answer.
And if you chose the right answer, you'd end up with about $20,000 more per annum (theoretically, of course)
Imagine that.
You'd have twenty thousand more buckeroos in the bank.
But instead–strangely–you'll choose to forfeit the $20,000.
How could this be true?
Why would you choose less money? Let's find out shall we?
Option 1: What if I told you, you could earn $100,000 in the next year, and have no months off.
Option 2: What if I told you, you could earn $80,000 in the next year, and have 3 months off.
Now don't tell me which one you chose, because I already know You chose Option 2.
Because most of the audiences I ask this question to, choose Option 2.
And that's because your brain instinctively knows what's good for you.
Your brain knows the power of ‘enough.'
But admittedly the example above is theoretical
What if were to make it real instead?
Let's take the Website Masterclass Workshop that we have in Campbell, California every year.
In the first year, you got 33 participants.
The second year, voila, it's 33 participants again.
The third year, encore, it's 33 participants yet again.
What would you do in the fourth year?
I'll tell you what most businesses would do.
They'd increase the size of the room.
They'd create space for 40 participants in the coming year.
And 50 participants in the year after next.
And onwards and forward they would go.
But we chose to stay at 33.
So is this a dumb philosophy or what?
It is–when you consider you could make far more money.
It is–when you consider that you could get far more customers.
But when it comes to evaluating the benefit of customers, you'll notice something quite quickly.
The bigger you get the less value the customers get.
The more you expand, the less you stay within your own brain's boundaries of ‘enough.'
So how do you define ‘enough?'
You go back to the start.
Why did you start up in business?
To get control of your life, right?
To get less stressed; less hassled by an overbearing boss; more time to take off on holiday.
That's why you set up your business.
So are you less hassled?
Are you less stressed?
Are you in any position to take a vacation at all?
So yeah, your business keeps growing and growing, but what's really enough?
‘Enough' is simply what you set out to do in the first place.
That's enough.
But let's face it, some of us are still struggling
And we struggled too, when we started up our business.
And frankly, there's no way out of the struggle than to educate yourself and apply what you learn.
But eventually you'll get out of the struggle.
And then you'll crave more. And more. And more.
At which point you'll get everything you didn't set out to get.
You'll get the stress. The hassle. And no time off.
Oh sure, you'll have lots of cash in your bank account, and so what?
Defining what is ‘enough' enables you to stay sane and happy
And bring value to yourself and your customers.
Option 2: It's why we got into business in the first place anyway.
Option 2 enables us to stay sane and happy. And give us ‘enough.'
Because as they say: Enough is enough. 🙂
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Thank you for this. It is exactly what I needed to read today. Perfect!
You’re welcome 😉
Yes, thanks Sean. A nice reminder to keep things in perspective.