Last week we announced about the $2500 Brain Alchemy Masterclass Workshop we were giving away. And you were promised that you’d get a follow up email. Well, tah…dah…here’s the follow up email. And the link to read more details and get on the list is at: Have fun 🙂 Warm regards, […]
Why You Need To Treat “Amazing” Marketing Strategies With A Little Caution
There’s an episode on the TV comedy series, “Everybody Loves Raymond” and it involves a recipe. It goes like this… The daughter in law wants a recipe. The mother in law is keen to show that’s she no Scrooge and offers to give the recipe. There’s just one thing missing—yup, the secret ingredient that makes the […]
Early Bloggers
When did blogging begin? Earlier than you think!
Cartoon: One Day In Junior High
Remember how we all wanted to be astronauts and teachers when we grew up? Well that hasn’t changed a lot, but there have been some changes for sure. Have a look below, and be sure to leave your comments. 🙂 Like it? Well don’t be shy: Tweet or Facebook it, or Google+ it 🙂 If […]
How To Get Clients To Participate: The Common Knowledge Pool
Let’s say you run a workshop. Or you run a forum. The single biggest problem that most of us have is the factor of participation. So how does participation increase? It’s called the common understanding For example at we have a book called The Brain Audit. The Brain Audit has certain parameters. And details. […]
The Curse of Choice
Do you want to confuse the heck out of your dog? Do a little test. Place two bones in front of your dog. And watch what the dog does. He’ll sniff one bone. Then the other. Then go back to the first. And back to the second. Back, forth, back, forth and back again. Oooh […]
How To Fight Customer Perceptions (And Win)
Are too! Are not! Are too! Are not! Are too! You’ve played this game as a child. And no matter which side you were on, you simply stuck to your position, without budging an inch. So how do you win the battle of perception? You do what Grizz Wylie does. Grizz, a well-known coach for […]
How To Fight Business Battles You Can’t Lose
Apple Computers lost the battle. They lost the war. But somehow they stuck in there. And now all of a sudden they turned more that $1 Billion profit…for the first time ever. Because for the first time, they’ve begun to fight a battle they can’t lose. So what am I talking about anyway? And how […]
How Training Increases Your Expertise Factor
Imagine you run a furniture store. And there are twenty-two other furniture stores in your city. You’ve got just one problem. You’re just another furniture store. Another furniture store, which seems similar to the next store, and the next, and the next. Now don’t get me wrong You know your store is different. You know […]
How Ego-Killers Can Drive Clients Away
So you’ve read the Brain Audit. And yes, you’ve worked out that problems are good systems to get the client’s attention. So you take out all the problems and dump them in the client’s face. But it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that matters. If you present your words in the […]