Way back in the year 2002, I had what you’d call “bad days”. Actually they were worse than bad. They were foul days. These foul days were my “article writing days”. I’d start off cheerily enough I’d be inspired to write an article and would begin. And then something would happen–I’m not sure what. But […]
Will It Bloat?: How The Outlines Gives Us Clues About The Length Of Our Articles
Most writers write They sit down and they write. And some smart ones outline. But even the outline gives us clues about bloating It shows you how your article can go well past the original intent and into puffy-land. And you don’t even have to look at the words in the outline. The bloat is […]
Why Working With Your Brain Is The Key To Avoiding Writer’s Block
Olive oil Aubergines Onions Garlic, Cinnamon, Oregano, Minced lamb, Tomato purée, Parsley And red wine. Writing an article is like making a yummy dish called moussaka And making the moussaka takes a bit of work. The first port of call is of course, the ingredients. You have to make that all important trip to the […]