Almost everyone plans the forthcoming year in somewhat a similar manner. You put in the big goals, the bigger projects and possibly some smaller ones too. Once all of that is done, if there’s a little space, a break or two may be added. But what if we didn’t go about planning our year in […]
Announcing: Goal-Setting Webinar with Sean D’Souza
How to achieve at least 50% of your goal (in any given year) What you will learn: 1- How we achieve our goals at Psychotactics 2- The system we use (and why systems are like rivers which meander their own way) 3- Overarching principles and concepts that enable us to get through a huge number […]
Let’s Just Get To The Bottom Of This Hill, Mr.Frodo
Imagine thirty thousand menacing obstacles in your path to success. You’re dehydrated. Hungry as hell. And wobbling like a drunk on too much Guinness. Your eyes hurt, your head throbs and your will is all but broken. You’re not even sure you want to go on. You feel like Frodo. As in the character Frodo, […]