What are the benchmarks for success in business? How do you determine your success benchmarks? If you look around you, the obvious success benchmarks are usually money first, and then, at least a huge dollop of fame. But are our benchmarks of success skewed by Fortune Magazine or Inc or Fast Company? Are those blogs […]
Special Offer: Website Components-How To Create Compelling Pages On Your Website + Special Bonus (Valued at $45)
When you buy Website Components-How To Create Compelling Pages On Your Website, you’ll also get a Special Bonus – ‘How To Maximise The Power Of Bonuses’ (worth $45) absolutely free. Do you often wonder if your home page, about us page or client acquisition page is working at less than its full potential? These three pages are […]
Can Clients Judge You In 2 Seconds? (And How This Applies To Your Website Branding)
How long does it take for you to know if someone is a good teacher or not? Nalini Ambady, a psychologist, didn’t have that answer. So she set out to do an experiment She asked students to rate their teachers after spending a whole semester with them. But then the experiment got a bit weird. […]
Announcing: Critical Website Components-How To Create Compelling Pages On Your Website
Do you often wonder if your home page, about us page or client acquisition page is working at less than its full potential? These three pages are critical to any website, and yet we often put the content together on these pages hurriedly. Well, “hurriedly” is the wrong word to use. Instead we spend hours […]
How To Know If You Have A Viable Niche
When companies from the West first visited a de-regulated India, they were licking their fingers in anticipation. For India was a country of almost one billion people (well, it is over one billion now) and these companies could just see dollar signs no matter where they went. But sheer numbers doesn’t make for sales. And […]
How To Grow Your Subscriber List
Ooh that’s a loaded question. But a big piece of the puzzle is where you get your traffic from, in the first place. And the way to look at this concept is to simply look at it through the eyes of someone who’s ‘dating’, If you were dating, where would you look? You’d definitely avoid […]
3 Core Reasons Why The ‘About Us’ Page Matters
When you land on a website, you often are like a shopper wandering into an unknown supermarket You have no clue what you’re specifically looking for, and you stumble from aisle to aisle hoping you’ll find what you need. And in these situations, you tend to look for the signs. The signs tell you whether […]
The Critical Importance Of The Bugs
You’re in a seminar. Oh, the seminar’s interesting. The content is great. The presenter’s outstanding. But you aren’t paying attention You’re fidgeting in your seat. You’re kinda brrrrrrrrrrr. As in coldbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. And the seminar drones on. Drones on, did you say? So we’re pretty clear that the seminar was interesting and outstanding, and all that […]
How To Make Your Client Remember Your Website …Forever!
Imagine you’re about to talk about your website at a networking meeting. And twenty two people before you have stood up, said what they do, and sat down. So that no matter what you say–the rest of the group is never going to remember your website. Or could you? Could you actually make prospective clients […]
The Case For (And Against) Pop-Ups On Your Website
So you hate pop-ups, right? But what I told you that pop-ups increase sign-ups? Would you still hate pop-ups? And why would you stay away from pop-ups, despite their clear ability to increase sign-ups to your website or newsletter? Imagine you’re walking through the doors of your local mall You’re whistling your happy tune. You’re […]