Have you ever wondered why people keep buying recipe books? Your grandma had a dozen books, so did your parents, and now, even if you’re not such a good cook, you’re likely to have a few around the house. There are tens of thousands of recipes in blogs and on YouTube. Even so, there’s when […]
Branding Strategies: How To Build A Successful Small Business Brand—Psychotactics
Is branding important for a small business? How do you build a small business brand?
As a small business owner, you often wonder if branding is essential. Do you brand your business,or your product or service? To create a successful brand, you need the elements of positioning and uniqueness.
Is there a way to create a unique brand identity?
In this section, we look at the psychology of branding and how you can use it to create your unique position in the marketplace.
You will learn about:
- How do you amplify your branding
- What is Santa's Marketing strategy (and how you can apply it to your business)
- How to choose the right colour for your brand
- The Mona Lisa branding strategy
- The power of uniqueness in branding your product.
Next Step:
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. I would recommend you start with—How To Amplify Your Branding With A Signature Story.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
P.P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
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Branding: How Your Product Can Create A Niche In Your Marketplace
There are about seventeen ways to enter a house. The door, the windows, backdoors—and as we know, in some cases, even the chimney. And yet most of us gingerly avoid the chimney, heading straight for the door instead Once we’re in the door, we don’t run madly through all the rooms of the house, but […]
Can Clients Judge You In 2 Seconds? (And How This Applies To Your Website Branding)
How long does it take for you to know if someone is a good teacher or not? Nalini Ambady, a psychologist, didn’t have that answer. So she set out to do an experiment She asked students to rate their teachers after spending a whole semester with them. But then the experiment got a bit weird. […]
Can You Get Target Profile Wrong?: The Fear Of A Bad Choice
A while ago, women across the planet started to do something quite unusual. Right after they tidied their homes to their satisfaction, they would remove this spray and give it a few squirts around the house. The name of that spray was (and is) Febreze. Today, Febreze is a multibillion dollar brand. But it almost […]
Branding Strategies— Why You Need To Carve Our Your Uniqueness
Ever been to a buffet? You know how you start off with the spring rolls, then it’s baked ham with pineapple sauce. Then it’s roast lamb with mint jelly and rich brown gravy. Top that up with roast seasoned pork loin with apple sauce and a little chicken with apricots and Camembert. Do you get […]
Why The Wrong Uniqueness Fails Quickly (And Why The Right Uniqueness Is Built On A “DNA”)
The biggest problem with most companies is that they are afraid of their uniqueness becoming obsolete. You have your uniqueness one day, and they it is gone. So how do you stop that from happening? Let’s take an example Let’s suppose you’re a teleconference company. And you say that your equipment is so darned good […]
Free!: How To Create Your Uniqueness Series (Yup, it’s here!)
Have you heard about Domino’s Pizza? What about FedEx? And how about the uniqueness of Volvo? So yeah, these companies found their uniqueness. But what about you? Why can’t you find or create your own uniqueness? Why does the uniqueness of your products and services play hide and seek with you? And is there a […]
How Packaging Drives Consumption (And Value)
You probably don’t know Joshua Bell. Well I didn’t. But I wasn’t alone. On Jan 12, 2007, about a thousand and seven people passed by Joshua Bell. You see Joshua was playing his violin–busking as it were–at the L’Enfant Plaza metro station in Washington D.C. At this mornings rush hour, the crowd surged past him. […]
The Fundamental Flaw in Creating Your Uniqueness (USP)
“Say cheese”, says the person behind the camera. And you say cheese. Your facial muscles are frozen. You have a dumb, goofy look. And under your breath you’re muttering, “C’mon Take the picture, take the picture, c’monnnn!” Click! You blink. The picture’s been taken. And then the photographer runs across to you, all excited to […]
Why All Women Don’t Buy Size 5 Shoes
It might seem obvious, right? Not all women buy size 5 shoes. I mean why would they? Not everyone’s size is 5. It’s probably 6. Or 4. Or 7. Or 17 🙂 And Size 5 shoes just don’t fit. So even if she got the best discount… The best quality; the best variety; the softest, […]